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Someone is targeting the members of the elite intelligence unit known as 'the Prime Minister's private army' and all those who work with them.
On Long Island, a trusted operative for the President nudges his boat up to a pier, when a man materializes out of the rain and shoots him. In London, General Charles Ferguson, adviser to the Prime Minister, approaches his car on a side street, when there is a flash, and the car explodes. In New York a former British soldier takes a short walk when a man comes up fast behind him, a pistol in his hand.
For Sean Dillon the hunt is on, a very well-connected old nemesis has clearly become tired of their interference in his schemes. But proving it is going to be a difficult task, and surviving it the hardest task of all…
在長島,一位深受總統信任的特工剛剛將船靠岸,就被一名從雨中浮現的殺手所槍殺。 在倫敦,當時擔任首相顧問的查理斯·弗格森將軍走向停在路邊的座駕,隨著一道亮光閃過,將軍的座駕灰飛煙滅。 在紐約,一名前英國士兵在散步途中被手槍擊中後腦而喪生。
老練的肖恩·狄龍開始了反擊。 然而,尋求證據是相當困難的,而想要獲得最後的勝利卻難於上青天。